1. 动词+介词
由动词加at, for, from, into, of, to, with等构成,相当于一个及物动词,宾语无论是名词还是代词,只能放在介词后。在被动语态中,整个短语动词被看做整体,不可拆开或漏缺。
look into the matter调查这起事件
2. 动词+副词
动词加away, back, out, ahead, forward, aside等构成的短语动词总是动副型的。这类短语动词有些及物有些不及物。
turn down the TV/turn the TV down;
The war broke out in 1980.
3. 动词+名词+介词
To this she did not pay the slightest attention.她一点都没在意这个。
4. 动词+副词+介词
The old should learn from the young and keep up with the times.老人要向年轻人学习,与时俱进。
The old law must be done away with.陈旧的法律必须被废除。
5. be+形容词+介词
6. 短语动词一词多义和几个短语动词含义相同的情况,平时应注意积累。
It is impolite to break into talk. (打断)
He was detected in the act of breaking into her house. (破门而入)
When others speak, he always likes to break in/cut in/get in/put in. (插嘴)