
下列动词短语中的to为介词:object to, be/get used to(习惯于), be dedicated to, be devoted to, look forward to, contribute to, pay attention to, be adjusted to, be adapted to, get down to, stick to, prefer… to。其后要加动名词作宾语。


1.  be to blame
2.  be to rent
3. be worth doing
4. it is easy/difficult/hard/cheap/expensive/fit/nice/dangerous/comfortable/exciting/funny/light/heavy/important/good/interesting to do
5. need/want/require/deserve/bear/stand doing

1. 现在分词作定语,相当于定语从句,表示进行的动作或状态。The lake lying (that lies) on the west of Hangzhou is called the West Lake.位于杭州西部的湖叫做西湖。
2. 过去分词作定语, 表示被动或完成。The book, completed in May, sells well.5月份完成的书销售得很好。
3. 不定式作定语表将来。The room to be painted next week is for our teacher.下周粉刷的房间是给我们老师的。