265. make a contribution to (doing) 为……做贡献,捐赠
266. make a decision 做出决定
267. make a mistake 犯错误
268. make a noise 吵闹
269. make dinner 做饭
270. make excuses 找借口
271. make friends with 与……交朋友
272. make fun of 取笑
273. make jokes about 以……为笑柄
274. make  way to 往……走去
275. make phone calls to 给…打电话
276. make room for 给……腾出地方
277. make sure 确保
278. make up mind (to do) 下决心(去做某事)
279. meet up with ... 与……约好见面
280. medical treatment 医学治疗
281. match well with 搭配的好
282. more than 多于,超过
283. more and more 越来越……
284. more or less 多少有点,或多或少
285. most of the time 大多数时候

286. neck and neck (竞赛等)并驾齐驱
287. next to 相邻,靠近
288. neither...nor...既不……也不……
289. never mind 没关系
290. noise pollution 噪音污染
291. no matter 不论,不管
292. no longer=not ... any longer 不再
293. no more=not ... any more 不再
294. no problem 没问题
295. not ... at all 一点也不
296. now and again 时而,不时
297. now that 既然,由于