337. rather than 宁可,是……而不是……
338. refer to 参考,涉及
339. regard ... as ... 把……当作……,把……看作……
340. remote control 遥控
341. ride bicycles 骑自行车
342. right now 立刻,马上
343. ring up 打电话
344. ring the doorbell 按门铃
345. run away 流失,逃跑,逃走
346. rush into 冲进去

347. say goodbye to 告别,告辞
348. say to oneself 自言自语
349. see the doctor 看病
350. send in 提交,派遣
351. send up 发射
352. set free 释放
353. set off=set out 出发,动身
354. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物
355. shout at 对着……叫喊
356. shut up 住口
357. show around 四处看看
358. sit down 坐下
359. so far 到目前为止
360. so that 以便,为了
361. so ... that 如此……以至于
362. soft drink (不含酒精的)饮料
363. some more 再来一点儿
364. speak highly of 称赞
365. sooner or later 迟早
366. square root 平方根
367. stand in line 站(在)队里
368. stare at 盯着看
369. starting line 起跑线
370. stay alive/healthy 活着/保持健康
371. stay out 不回家、待在户外
372. switch on/off 打开 (电灯,收音机等)/关闭

373. take an active part in 积极参加……
374. take a message 捎口信
375. take away 拿走,移走
376. take care of 照顾,照看
377. take care 小心
378. take/in charge of 负责,管理
379. take/do exercise 做运动
380. take in 吸入,摄入
381. take off 脱掉,飞机起飞
382. take time 不着急,慢慢来
383. take place 发生
384. take turns to do ... 轮流做某事
385. talk about/with/to 讨论/交谈
386. teach oneself 自学
387. the more ... the better 越多越好
388. thanks to 由于,幸亏
389. think about 考虑
390. think of 想起
391. throw about 乱丢,抛撒
392. throw away 扔掉,丢弃
393. traffic jam 交通堵塞
394. try on 试穿
395. try out 试验,尝试
396. turn around 转身
397. turn on 打开
398. turn off 关闭
399. turn down/up (将音量)调低/调高
400. turn out 结果是,证明是
401. turning point 转折点
402. turn ... over 把……翻过来