
[考试说明] 了解及物动词和不及物动词用法;掌握动词不定式作宾语、宾语补足语、状语以及疑问词连用构成不定式短语的基本用法;理解动词不定式作主语和定语的用法;初步掌握延续性动词和瞬间动词在用法上的区别等。

 1. come, be here
[误] He has come here for three hours.
[正] He came here three hours ago.
[正] He has been here for three hours.
与此同类的还有borrow/lend—keep; join—be in/at; die—be dead; buy—have; leave—be away, etc.
 2. cost, take, spend, pay
[误] I cost a lot of time to read stories.
[正] It cost me a lot of time to read stories.
[正] I spent a lot of time reading stories.
cost除了钱的花费以外,还能表示时间上的花费,但常用物做主语。sth./it cost (sb.) time/money to do sth.
spend句子主语是人,可指花费时间和金钱, sb. spend time/money in doing/on sth.
pay句子主语是人,常与for连用,sb. pay money for sth.
buy也常与for连用,但花费“钱”要放在介词for后面,而pay则放在介词for前面。sb. buy sth. for money.
补充: spend ... (in) doing sth. 意思是“花(时间、钱)干某事”,后面的动词必须使用动词的ing形式,介词 in可省略
spend ... on sth. 意思是“在某事/某物上花(时间、钱)”。有时,两者可以替换使用。