19. hope和wish
如:I hope she likes (will like) the flower. 我希望她喜欢这朵花。
I hope I will become a doctor when I grow up. 我希望长大后成为一名医生。
I hope to spend a year in America after I leave school. 我希望在我离校后能去美国待一年。
(2)wish之后可以跟一个动词不定式。如:I wish to go abroad for further study.
如: I wish I were a bird. 我希望我是一只鸟。
wish sb. to do sth.. 如:I wish the manager to be informed at once. 我希望经理能被及时通知到。
wish 后面跟形容词,名词。如:I wish you well. I wish you good luck. 祝你健康。祝你好运。
20. come out
发行,出版:That magazine comes out every Monday.
出现:The stars came out as soon as it was dark.
传开:The news came out that the king was very ill.
(照片)冲印:The photos I took did not come out.
结果是: The answer to the sum came out wrong.
21. search, search for, in search of
search for的宾语一般为查找的对象,而不是被查找的人或场所.如: The police searched for the lost child. 警察寻找丢失的小孩。
search的宾语为被查找的人或场所。如:The police want to search my bag. 警察想要搜我的包。
In search of 搜寻,探求,宾语为查找的对象, 如:Hungry beggars roamed the streets in search of food. 饥饿的乞丐徘徊在街上,寻找食物。