
[考试说明] 熟练掌握介词in、 on、 at、 to、 from、 by、 with、 for、 about、 before的常见用法;理解这些介词的其他用法及所学其他介词的一般用法。

 1. above, over; below, under
[误] Our classroom is over theirs.
[正] Our classroom is above theirs.
[误] The plane flew above the bridge.
[正] The plane flew over the bridge.
[误] The lights hung above the desk.
[正] The lights hung over the desk.
above、 over都表示“在……上面”,且都表示表面不接触的上方,但over指垂直在上,而above则表示位置较高,不一定是正上方;
below、 under都表示“在……下面”,below指位置低于某物或在某物的下方,但不一定在某物的正下方,其反义词是above,而under指在某物的正下方,有垂直在下的意思,其反义词是over。
 2. by, on, over, through
[误] They're talking on the radio.
[正] They're talking by radio.
“通过无线电交谈”习惯上说talk by radio,名词前不加冠词。
“通过收音机听到”习惯上说hear sth. on/over/through the radio,名词前加冠词。
“通过电视看到”习惯上说watch sth. on TV。
“通过电话交谈”习惯上说talk with sb. on/over the telephone。
“通过人造卫星收发电视节目”习惯上说 send and receive TV programs through man­made satellites。