A. 开头语
1. Thank you for your letter of September 1.
2. Many thanks for your kind letter which reached me yesterday.
3. Your letter come to me this morning.
4. I was delighted to receive your letter.
5. I am in receipt of your letter.
6. It's a long time since I saw you last time.
7. I have been missing you a lot since we met last time.
8. I am writing to you tell that ...
9. I often think of you. How are you recently?
B. 结束语
1. Good luck!
2. Best wishes!
3. Take care of yourself, will you?
4. Send my love to your ...
5. Please write to me when you have time.
6. Please write soon.
7. Let us keep in touch.
8. I am looking forward to your next letter soon.
9. Thank you for an early reply.
10. Please tell me if you need my help.

历年中考中,作文常以书信或电子邮件为载体,要求学生写给好友亲人一封回信、电子邮件或对校园事件的报道。但通常已给出开头结尾, 对作文的格式要求不高。考察内容多为师生关系,校园生活。

】假如你是来自英国某中学的交换生Daniel,你想参加英文报纸Jinling Daily广告中介绍的机器人培训班。

1. 培训班的起止时间以及周末是否上课;
2. 参观机器人公司活动的具体安排;
3. 你还想了解的该培训班的其他信息。
注意:1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;
3. 词数:80左右,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to ask for information about the robot course for beginners at Starlight School.   
Yours faithfully,

I am_writing_to_ask_for_information_about_the_robot_course_for_beginners_at_Starlight_School.
Firstly, I  would like to know more about the course arrangement. For example, could you tell me how long the course will last? I prefer to know if there is any class for the weekend. Next, I'm interested in the visits to Friendly Robots Company. Would you tell me whether I need to pay? Finally, I wonder whether I'll be able to design a robot myself at the end of the course.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.