6. at a time的意思是“一次”。
at times相当于from time to time,意思为“时常,不时”;
at all times的意思是“总是”。
如:He gets angry with his son at times. 他时常对他的儿子生气。
He is willing to help his friends at all times. 他总是愿意帮助他的朋友们。
He is a good speaker, and is able to make a speech for two hours at a time. 他是个很好的演讲者,并且能够一次做一个两小时的演讲。
 7. through, across
如:The train is running through the tunnel. 火车正从隧道中穿过。
When you see the bank, walk across the road. The post office is right there. 当你看到银行时,走过马路。邮局就在那儿。
 8. across, over
across和over:这两个单词都可以用在“过桥”时,walk across/over the bridge,
over还可以表示“越过”,climb over the hill, jump over the chair, fly over。